Friday, August 05, 2011

The 7 Links Project in a Pinon Tree

Y'all know that I like me a good meme now and then, but this one is a little special - first, because I was tagged by lovely Laura, a friend on the Amalfi Coast, who had very sweet words when she named me; and second because it is sponsored by Tripbase, which had previously given me an honored spot on their List of European bloggers.  How could I resist this one?

My 7 Links Project aims to "unite bloggers in a joint endeavor to share lessons learned and create a bank of long but not forgotten blog posts that deserve to see the light of day again."  Fabulous!  It was fun to go though the ol' archives of posts past and peruse them again.  There were a lot of things I'd forgotten about, so a little trip down memory lane is always nice.

So here we go...My 7 Links in the categories selected by Tripbase:

1.  My Most Beautiful Post

The first one to jump forward in my memory bank was the tribute I wrote for my maternal grandfather when he passed away.  I don't mind telling you that re-reading Farewell Old Fart brought tears to my eyes all over again.

2.  Most Popular Post

Far and away the most popular is the Nutella Day contribution I made back in 2007.  I still get lots of hits on that Nutella Birthday Cake.  Note to self:  get your rear in gear to participate in World Nutella Day next time around!

3.  Most Controversial Post

Hmm, I've never really taken on anything controversial, though I did get a couple of kinda gentle 'dissenters' with my post, To Be a Paesana.  That's about as controversial as it's gotten around the Pinon Tree.  Maybe I need the rattle the nest a bit more?

4.  Most Helpful Post

I can't decide if my most helpful post was Pricey Post:  How To Mail Stuff to Italy, which is important for those of you who love us and want to give us gifts.  Or, Are You Dreaming of Italy, which is helpful for those who...well, dream of living here.  So I'm naming both because, 1) they are both helpful, and 2) I've been writing this blog for a long time and think I should be able to name two if I want to.  (Am I stirring up controversy yet?)

5.  A Post Whose Success Surprised Me

I'd have to say that the number of hits and comments on Wanted: New Residents did take me by surprise.  For those of you still dreaming, read the article mentioned above...then come visit.  They're still asking for some new blood around here!

6.  A Post Which Didn't Get the Attention it Deserved

One that I would have considered "important" and that didn't seem to generate much interest was A Day of Remembrance.  I thought the link to Dear Davide would have illicited more emotion (it sure left me bawling).  I think with the frantic pace of newsbytes and the insanity of celebrity "news," the real tragedies and lives that need attention get pushed aside.  It's just sad.

7.  The Post I'm Most Proud Of

 Hard choice.  I'm going with The Last Mule of Anzi, partly because it shows the continuity of tradition that is still alive here in the south, and partly because famiglia and friends in Anzi enjoyed it and were proud of it, too. 

I'm not tagging anyone specific because, looking at the impressive list, I think everyone I know has already been included!  If not, I don't want you to feel left out!  Play along - and let me know that you've posted!


Saretta said...

Fun group of posts! I haven't got around to doing my version yet. About the Paesana post, I agree with one commenter who took issue with your advice about smiling. That would be considered very out-of-place and weird in the small southern Italian city I live in, too. People would think either you were not quite right in the head, or that you were trying to pick up on them!

LindyLouMac said...

Great post, maybe I should have joined in after all when I was invited to do so. I decided not to as I do not normally participate in these memes.

Laura said...

Ciao Valerie! What a fun group of posts ... really enjoyed reading the ones I had missed and rereading some of my favorites. Thanks of sharing!