Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Bloggers Around Italy, Unite! *CONTEST!*

I’m a great procrastinator, especially when it comes to techy-related things. I have been putting off blog maintenance for far too long. Take the links list. Pitifully short, isn’t it? I’ve been meaning to pump it up. Really. I’ve scribbled notes and bookmarked other Italy blogs I’ve clicked into and enjoyed, but have never made the time to input them. Lazy, I guess.

But that’s going to change. I’m going to create a blog roll to encompass the length and breadth of the Bel Paese and I need your help! (I figure if I’m going to do it, I may as well do it up right!) If you are an expat blogger in Italy, send me your link. It’s that simple. I hope to discover new bloggers who are writing about their unique corner of the peninsula (Anyone blogging in Molise? How about San Marino? Dare I hope, Basilicata?) Old friends aren’t excluded, though. Send in your link, too, even if I currently have it listed. You will be entered for a chance to win a prize! Who doesn’t like an easy contest?

Up for Grabs:

A brand-spanking new English translation of the quintessential Italian cookbook, Science in the Kitchen and the Art of Eating Well by Pellegrino Artusi. Who can resist Artusi’s dry wit, words of wisdom, and classic recipes? The English translation makes it a little easier on us foreigners, giving both grams and ounces (or pounds) measurements, in case anyone else still struggle with those conversions. (Or is that just me?) Artusi’s book has been continually in print since 1891 and, like a little black dress, never goes out of style.

And (but wait, there’s more!) – hand-crafted chocolates from the best-darn cioccolateria in Le Marche.

How to Enter:

Send me an email by December 30, and include:
Your Name (as well as your blog moniker if you use one)
Your Blog’s Name and URL address
A one-line description of your blog’s focus
Your Location (city and region)
Send the email to:

italybloggers AT hotmail DOT com

That’s it! Of course, you may also want to alert fellow bloggy buddies about their chance to grab a quick link and (maybe) a prize. We want the party to spread across the whole country!

A few things to note:
*This time around I’m compiling only those blogs that are written by expats living in Italy. At a later, undetermined time (remember, I’m a procrastinator) I’ll run another contest to list those bloggers who write about Italy but are living elsewhere.
*If your blog is completely commercial-focused, I reserve the right to exclude it from the contest. Sorry, but I don’t want those blogs that are only blatant sales pitches without giving out information or providing readers with a view of their town, lives, or Italy in general.
*Blogs that are business-related are acceptable, though…even encouraged! As long as the focus is on providing well-written and informative content, or a glimpse of life in a particular place, send the link!
*The prize will be determined by a drawing (real high-tech: put the names in a hat; Bryan will draw the winner). One prize will be awarded. Drawing will be held on January 1.
*Entries must be received by December 30.

Now send in those entries! Let's cover Italy with our blogs!


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see who you come up with! Always interested in reading more about my favorite place.

Judith in Umbria said...

But you already know me! I need chocolate too.

Judith in Umbria

Valerie said...

Janie - Glad your excited about it. I can't wait to see what blogs we find, too. I'll list the round up right before we leave for the US for a visit, so you'll have some great reading while I'm gone.

Judith - but it says you can still enter! The chocolate could still be yours! Send in your entry.

Anonymous said...


This is completely off-topic. Just found your blog via bleedingespresso. What attracted me to your blog was that you are from NM. Although I was born and raised in Alaska, I lived in Albuquerque for 14 years (both children were born there). We lived off of Coors and I-25, and I LOVE Corrales! One of my favorite memories was going to Wagner Farms with the kids to get pumpkins every year for Halloween. Now I am back in Alaska, and have to say - I really, really miss green chile!

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