I had good intentions. I had written several posts that I was going to slip in during my absence. I brought some photos that would have cleverly juxtaposed with scenes here that I planned to post, too. That was before I left Italy.
While our primary purpose in coming to the US was to attend a wedding, we ended up also attending a funeral. My beloved grandmother passed away on June 5.
I was blessed to spend time with her before she died, to see her and let her know how much I loved her. She was much declined but still quintessentially Grams, and being with her before she died set my mind very much at peace. I had a little time to adjust to the thought of life without her here. I was very close with her and already miss her tremendously.
I've written about Grams several times before, and I will write more about her when I've had time to process it all and gather my thoughts. It's been a whirlwind of activity with far-flung family members arriving and departing.
We leave this evening to fly back to Italia. I'm exhausted and drained emotionally. It will be a few days before I get reacclimated to my life, renewed and readjusted to the European time zone. I'll be back in the nest again soon, but I also need to get over the nasty cold I'm fighting and get caught up on sleep before returning to the blog.
Until then, I want to share this poem I found among my grandma's clippings. It sums up her life (and life philosophy) beautifully.
Do something today to bring gladness
To someone whose pleasures are few
Do something to drive off sadness-
Or cause someone's dreams to come true.
Find time for a neighborly greeting
And time to delight an old friend;
Remember-the years are fleeting
And life's latest day will soon end.
Do something today that tomorrow
Will prove to be really worthwhile;
Help someone to conquer sorrow
And greet the new dawn with a smile.
for only through kindness and giving
Of service and friendship and cheer,
We learn the pure joy of living
And find heaven's happiness here.