The problem is, we end up spending more time in the city than we'd like. I was there all day Thursday acting as an interpreter for a food-related convention, and Bryan is there every weekday teaching. We also make trips for various and sundry services and products that we can't find in the village. We get a little tired of Potenza. Couple that with the fact that Bryan hates crowds - which were guaranteed to be thick and pressing at this event- and the beautiful weather that had us craving some time in the countryside, and we ditched any hint of a thought of culture and headed for the low, rolling hills instead.

The first cantina was gated, despite being listed on the line-up. Hmph. The second was one of the more famous in the region, located in Rionero in the shadow of Monte Vulture, famous for its previous volcanic activity that now gives us fantastic mineral water and the most noted wine from Basilicata, Aglianico del Vulture. This cantina was fabulous with historic underground chambers where the wines are aged. The stone-hewn corridors wend underneath the town's streets. Really cool! The pretty tasting room was decked out with snacks and little tables for relaxing and sipping.
Winery Number Three was in lovely Venosa, an enormous, industrial-type cooperative that offers decent wines at good prices but zero atmosphere and even less cordiality from the wine expert on hand, who resolutely ignored us while we toured the facility and he directed all his comments and blabbery dry information at the two young woman who accompanied us.
But the final winery -just outside Venosa- redeemed the day. They had a gorgeous hedge-rowed estate with a picture-perfect villa as the centerpiece. An arbored terrazzo provided tables, and local food producers handed out samples of their yummy goods. A musical group pumped out energetic folk songs which got people dancing the tarantella and other typically southern folk dances. The cantina produces only a few wines, all excellent (in our non-expert opinions).
We tasted, then sat in the sun with the generous food plates they handed out and enjoyed the warmth, the music and scenery. Beats the crowded streets of the city any day!